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Knights Members

New to the Game?

Now that you’re in a guild, now what? Joining a guild has its perks. Guilds at different levels
have a variety of benefits to offer. Let’s talk about guild marks first.
Guild Marks is the currency you can make by donating items to the guild’s or alliances’ coffer.
It maxes out at 30,000 so, you want to spend them when you reach capacity. Here are a few
things you can do with guild marks at the stronghold or alliance’s marketplace:

1. Purchase items for professions
2. Purchase items for armor, weapons
3. Purchase items for potions, kits, and food for buffs
If you decide to leave our guild, which I do not know why because we are awesome, and you
never know, we may meet again. Your guild marks stay with you.
The benefits of purchasing some items from vendors are placing them for sale on the auction
house to make astral diamonds. *See an officer for info on that topic*


For those of you that need visuals, here is a video that explains the information I have reviewed on the site:

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
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