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Marauders is a stronghold event in which you eliminate enemies off the board and prevent them from taking the loot at the drop off location. There are a few places enemies will spawn but, we only defend the East which is located by the bridge. The rewards are no different if you defend all locations. After Five Waves of enemies, you vote to end the event. The rewards you will receive is 600 influence plus some vouchers you can donate to your guild’s coffer. You will only receive the 600 influence once per week, per character. You may run other characters through Marauder throughout the week to gain 600 influence as well. If only playing one toon, then you may still participate in Maruders for the voucher rewards to donate to your guild. Weekly reset begins on Mondays. Remember, when you donate you receive guild marks.


*See an Officer if you have any questions* 

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
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